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Our Ministries


The Mission of Christ Church is to Share the Love of Christ Through Our Worship, Ministry, and Fellowship.


Christ Church Ansonia is very active in the community and many our parishioners take an active roll in the various ministries we have to offer.

Kathleen C. B. Samela Memorial Food Pantry

We are very proud to be the home of the Kathleen C.B. Samela Memorial Food Pantry.


Through various donations and grants,the food pantry is currently on pace to provide over 250,000 meals to those in need.




The ECW has been a part of our church for many, many years.  All of the women of the parish are invited to join.  We meet the first Tuesday of the month in the Barrett Room.  We plan different  functions throughout the year---bake sales, soup and book sales, pot-luck suppers.  We also have many outreach programs we undertake.  We help families at Christmas as well as in September when the children are going back to school.  We help families and/or organizations in need of some extra financial support.

Nancy Valentine is the President of the ECW. 

Missions Committee

The Missions Committee is a key organization to help spread God 's love throughout the community.  Every year, Missions fund raise monies through bakes sales and through the  annual  fund raising drive.  The money collected is used to help others in need.  Over the years, the Missions Committee has helped donate funds to local families and to other out reach programs to help others around the world.  It is our Mission to help others in financial need either due to injury, illness,  domestic violence or natural disaster.  The committee is open to all parishioner's to join. 

Youth Ministries

Our youth ministries consist of weekly Sunday School classes,  the youth Alcoytes program and Vacation Bible School (VBS). All children are welcome!


Sunday School

We have an active Sunday School with children ranging from ages 3-14. Sunday School meets every week during the school year and have a blast learning about God.  Every third Sunday of the month, the children  participate in the church service by reading the lessons and psalms. Also during the year the children put on two joyful performances for the congregation, the Nativity for Christmas and an Easter vigil performance. The children will also occasionally host coffee hour  for the parish and help participate our pancake breakfasts and ziti dinners.



Each week two trained youth members lead the procession carrying torches to the altar. During the church service they assist the minister with the Gospel and consecration. At the end of the service they lead the recessional carrying the torches.


VBS (Vacation Bible School)

Every summer our church hosts other local parishes and participates in VBS which is a week long program.  The children meet everyday during the week and  learn more about our faith through arts and crafts . At the end of the week they put on a small performance for all to see..

The Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is one of the many ministries of this parish.  We prepare the church for the worship services.  We work in teams and we meet on Saturday mornings to get the church ready for Sunday.  We also prepare the church when we have weddings or funerals.  Twice a year we meet and polish all the silver and brass pieces we have.  We are always accepting new members—women and men alike.  We feel  that we are a part of our worship service and we feel blessed that we are a part of this organization.

Jane Wright is the Altar Guild Directress

Trained volunteers from the church participate the ESL program which is designed to help people that use another language as their primary language.  The intent of this program is to make the students feel more comfortable with English. They focus on spoken and written expression, consisting of vocabulary and sentence patterns. 

During our combined 10:00am service featuring the Liturgy of the Word, our Spanish Language Ministry parishioners hold service in the Chapel while our English Language parishioners gather in the church.  Folks in the Chapel join with the Church School participants to meet up with parishioners in the church before the Peace and the Holy Eucharist.  We benefit through sharing of cultural and religious traditions, especially at Christmas and the Las Posadas Ritual, and then again on the first Sunday in January for the Blessing of the Divine Child Jesus images that occupy a special place in parishioner's homes. 

Christ Church Prayer Ministry

During the year , members of our church community take time from their busy schedules to pray for anyone, for any reason including illness, addiction, unemployment, etc.  The Prayer Ministry pray daily for those people on our list who have requested it themselves are have been thought of by a friend or family member. During the year numerous cards for support, get well, sympathy or for whatever other reason are sent to these people to let them know that they are in our prayers.

Christ Episcopal Church



56 South Cliff Street

Ansonia, CT 06401


Office Hours: Mon - Thurs  9:00AM - 1:00PM

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